OOTD: The Thrifted Blazer

How to wear a thrifted blazerI was going through my closet the other day trying to find something to wear and came across this blazer that I thrifted from Value Village earlier this year!  Yep…. that’s right…  I came across it.  I had actually forgotten all about it!  I think I picked it up near the transition to spring earlier this year.  And so it happened to stay very neatly hidden away in the dry cleaning bag until I happened to re-discover it again on Friday!

How to wear a thrifted blazerI’m so glad that I did.  Tweed is such a timeless piece that it was quite easy to grab up this blazer and make it my own.  And of course,  anybody that knows me knows that I am a complete sucker for a blazer, jeans and a tee ( it might as well be my official uniform)!!  So, there was really no question on how to style it!!  Throw in a little color with the oxblood heels and it’s a wrap!!

How to wear a thrifted blazerWhat I’m Wearing: Thrifted Blazer, Zara Tee, Zara Skinny Jeans, Zara Shoes, Zara Clutch (yes, it was a Zara kind of day) and Versona Accessories

Where Am I: South Point Center

Do you ever “forget” about items that are in your closet?  Have a great week everyone!

How to wear a thrifted blazer

51 thoughts on “OOTD: The Thrifted Blazer

  1. What a fantastic blazer, and you’ll be able to throw it on with anything! Such a fantastic clutch too did you purchase it recently? I forget about clothes that I have in my closet all of the time – it’s actually pretty sad. But it’s great when you stumble across something that you forgot about and its the exact piece that you’ve been needing or wishing that you had. 😉


    • Thanks Candida!! I know… I actually forget about things often too! I really need to do better but you do have a point… it is a nice little surprise when you “re-discover” it! It’s almost like you are buying it all over again!! Lol! And yes, I picked up the clutch just awhile ago. I really like it… it’s so versatile!!

      xo, Kenya

  2. Amazing look! You styled the blazer beautifully. Every once on a while I come across a piece that I’ve forgotten about and it’s like going shopping again without leaving the house!

  3. That blazer looks amazing – like it’s coming straight from the runway! Can’t believe it’s thrifted! You’re looking amazing Kenya – loving that denim on you!

  4. I’m loving your Zara kind of day! What a great find from Value Village! That blazer should be in full rotation in your closet from now on, Tweed is such a classic look. Killer shirt by the way!
    I don’t know why but for some reason I thought Value Village was just in Canada…wait was that such a Canadian thing to say?!lol

    xo, Jackie

  5. That is definitely a staple piece. I can understand how you forgot about it though. I suffer from the same type of problem, lol! I may need to hit a thrift store if you are pulling out gems like this!

  6. SO love this whole look! You can never go wrong with a graphic tee and a blazer, and its even better when you can “shop” your own closet (especially when you have such great things lurking in there)! Sadly I don’t really have anything in my closet that I have forgotten about, although it can seem like it since I tend to wear the same things over and over…

    P.S. Totally pinning this look! Love it!

  7. Pingback: OOTD: My Magna Carter Tour Look | Kenya L Fashion Blog

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