Is Being Matchy-Matchy Really Faux Pas?

DSC_0050Ok, so this is the deal….  I know the matchy-matchy thing is considered a fashion no-no right now.  It’s all about being unpredictable and unexpected.  Stripes with plaids.  Camo jacket meet tulle skirt.  The more extreme… the better.  Which works, right?  Yes, it works…  until you get to a point where the unexpectedness becomes… well… expected!

DSC_0019Now, I’m not saying that I’m ready to go back to the days of matching head to toe coordinates and leisure suits (I’m not quite sure I was ever there) but I am saying maybe I don’t want to have to be unpredictable all the time.  Maybe I want things to coordinate occasionally.  Maybe… just maybe… I don’t want that pop of pink or yellow or red.  That’s right… I’d like to buck the system some days, you know?  Be a rebel!  And for today, bucking the system is coordinating!

How ironic that what was considered a fashion faux pas has somehow now become going against the norm.  Hilarious…DSC_0100

What I’m Wearing: Willow & Clay Sweater, J. Crew High Rise Skinnies, Marco Santi Booties, Tory Burch Bag, Loft Infinity Loop ScarfDSC_0051DSC_0012

Where Am I: Uptown Charlotte (which could not have been more beautiful that day) at the Mint and Levine Center of the Arts

How are you being a fashion “rebel” right now?


45 thoughts on “Is Being Matchy-Matchy Really Faux Pas?

  1. I, for one, like your matchy-matchy look. There’s nothing wrong with an all black or all gray look, right? I have to admit, the whole non-matched/pairing 3+ colors is my way of being brave in fashion. I was always a “one or two colors” kind of person. But I’m loving the pops of color and the random stripes with polka dots, etc… looks!


    • Thanks! I am honestly the same way… I love the pops of color and the unexpected pairings right now and for me, it’s also my way of being fashionably bold! Blogging has helped my style evolve even more so and I love the hot trends right now. But man… somedays… I just want to match!

      xo, Kenya

  2. I don’t think match-match is a faux pas. It’s all in how it’s styled. I’ve seen plenty of matchy-matchy outfits that do not come off as cheesy or faux pas-ish. The #1 blogger that comes to mind that I feel perfects the matchy-matchy is Blair of Atlantic-Pacific.

    Anywho, back to you and your look. It’s cute. Especially, adding the scarf.

    • Thanks Vivi! I appreciate that perspective and agree with you. I think styling is key and honestly how you look and feel in your clothes as well. Confidence goes a long way with personal style!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

      xo, Kenya

  3. Make sure you check my OOTD post later today. I’ll be mentioning you as my inspiration behind my look today.


  4. I’m a fan of being matchy-matchy! It’s always good to throw in some accent colors though like you did with your scarf. And your ensemble is super chic! 🙂


  5. It’s perfectly fine to coordinate from time to time. I think it helps add balance. Plus, you can use coordinating to show of new accessories or one piece of your outfit. For example if you got a cool tribal print blouse and wanted it to be the focal point on your outfit, it makes sense to pair it with shoes, a bottom and purse of the same color.

    • Great tips! Thanks! I absolutely agree with you… there are definite ways to coordinate without it being too much or coming off as a “don’t”. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!!!

      xo, Kenya

  6. I agree in that I don’t like to be too matchy-matchy, but I do like when items in my outfits “coordinate”. 😀 Also I love your outfit. Tan/light brown is probably my favourite neutral colour!!

    • Thanks Rebecca! Up until a few years ago, brown was my go to color of choice!! But yes, even with all the pos of color right now sometimes it feels good to just coordinate!! Thanks for stopping by and the follow!

      xo, Kenya

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